Interesting Articles

Rating of hypermarkets by the value of New Year's purchases

New Year is very close. In order not to spoil the holiday of running around the shops on the very last day, smart people take care of buying everything they need in advance. And smart and prudent, even ahead of time, choose a store with the most pleasant prices. As a rule, the cheapest foods are in large hypermarkets, ...

Top 10 Ways to Learn Foreign Languages

Knowledge of a foreign language can be useful in a variety of situations: in the professional field, on vacation and even in personal life. Therefore, millions of people around the world spare no effort and time to learn, for example, English, French or Chinese - the most difficult of all languages. To help ...

EqTrades: what reviews about the brokerage company will tell

Work in such a risky business as trading on Forex, or buying and selling shares, requires a comprehensive assessment of partners. You can only believe in the word and reviews in this case, EqTrades experts warn. EqTrades recommends when evaluating brokers for trading on the Forex market and stock ...

The most modern ambulance Gazelle Next

As expected, as soon as the new Gazelle Next came out, all kinds of its modifications and special cars based on it began to appear. Moreover, the modular design of the Gazelle allows you to quickly develop and implement all kinds of new designs not only to Gorkovsky ...

20 most terrible people on Earth

Beautiful people are always surrounded by attention. But it can give pleasure, raising self-esteem and increasing the number of fans. People are less supportive of the most terrible people, they often poke a finger in them, discuss imperfections in appearance in a whisper or publicly, and do many others ...


The most unusual trends of 2015

Year after year, more and more strange trends appear in the world. 2015 was no exception. Ear stitching for weight loss, fingernails, selfie sticks, huge lips, a beard decorated with artificial or natural colors - all these and many other unusual new trends have a lot of fans....

Dress for prom 2014, a choice of top 5 unusual trends

In order for graduation evening 2014 to leave only cheerful and good memories in the soul of young graduates, you need to think over your evening look in advance. One of the most important stages of preparation for the graduation party is the choice of the perfect luxurious evening gown. Consider the most unusual and bold trends ...

Top 10 Video Game Crimes

Video games (both singles and multiplayer) - an opportunity to take a break from the complexities of real life. However, in addition to the dose of endorphins, many games, especially those that encourage competition between players, can cause behavioral changes. Not all of them are pleasant to others, and some are even dangerous....

Top best companies of 2013

Since 1999, in December, the award ceremony of the prestigious business award "Company of the Year" has been held. The award was organized by a group of RBC companies under the patronage of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The prize "Company of the Year 2013" was awarded in 19 nominations, each of which relates to one ...

The richest people in Russia 2017, Forbes list

For a long time, the Russians will not forget the call of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to "hold on" when there is no money. But there are people who adhere well without any appeals, earning millions and even billions of dollars. A list of such people - the richest in Russia - was published by Forbes magazine. To get there ...



Rating of the brightest business stars under 30 years old

They are young, active and easily implement new ideas and bold projects, and therefore deserve special attention. This is exactly what Forbes experts judged when compiling a rating that included the brightest stars of the business, which are less than 30 years old. Each of the participants in the list below is ...


10 worst countries for women

In 2015, world leaders came to the conclusion that it was necessary to eradicate all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls by 2030. But good intentions are still on paper. According to recent data, at least every third woman is subjected to physical ...


Rating of the most affordable cars

Despite the fact that millions of cars of domestic manufacturers drive along the roads of the country, choosing a new car, most Russians prefer foreign cars. Moreover, in recent years, cars of foreign brands assembled in Russia and the CIS have become quite affordable. Today we offer ...